Linden Bairey

Linden Bairey is a Senior Manager, and Certified Fraud Examiner, with extensive experience conducting management and performance audits, special studies, and policy and budget analyses for public sector agencies. Ms. Bairey’s expertise includes audits and policy analyses in the areas of budgeting and financial management, public health, behavioral health, and public safety. While at Harvey M. Rose Associates, her work has taken place in the City and County of San Francisco, the counties of Santa Clara and San Mateo, and the cities of Oakland, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and Tacoma. Prior to joining Harvey M. Rose Associates, Ms. Bairey worked for a boutique public sector consulting firm in Oakland conducting economic analyses on behalf of local California government agencies. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from New York University and a Master of Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.


  • Certified Fraud Examiner: Ms. Bairey became a Certified Fraud Examiner with the Association of Fraud Examiners in October 2022. Through the certification process she developed expertise in fraud investigations, financial transactions and fraud schemes, and fraud prevention and deterrence.
  • Budgeting and financial management: Ms. Bairey has audited and assessed a wide array of financial management and oversight functions of public agencies throughout California, including a special study of Santa Clara County debt, a performance audit of the Accounts Payable Division at the Port of Los Angeles, a management audit of Santa Clara County’s Department of Tax and Collections, and a comprehensive audit of the Santa Clara Stadium Authority finances for the City of Santa Clara. These audits and assessments identified opportunities to improve internal controls, performance monitoring, human resources management, procurement and contract management, transparency and oversight, and the use of software and technology. In addition, Ms. Bairey has analyzed proposed budgets for the cities of San Francisco and Oakland and Santa Clara County for multiple budget cycles.
  • Public health and behavioral health: Ms. Bairey has audited multiple public health and behavioral health functions in Bay Area counties, including the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Community Behavioral Health Services function and the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department’s mental health services. These audits focused on planning for service needs, leveraging federal and state funding for behavioral health, performance monitoring and reporting, timely access to behavioral health services, and strategies to address shortages of residential care facilities. In addition, Ms. Bairey managed an audit of Santa Clara County’s Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Program with a focus on program response location characteristics and nurse staffing levels, and conducted a municipal service review and sphere of influence update of healthcare districts on behalf of the San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission.
  • Public safety: In addition to recurring reviews of the proposed budgets of San Francisco’s Fire Department and Department of Emergency Management, Ms. Bairey has conducted performance audits of the San Francisco Police Department, the South Santa Clara County Fire District, and the Los Altos Hills County Fire District. These audits focused on staffing levels and overtime control, capital asset management, fire prevention programs and strategies, and compliance with state and local procurement requirements. In addition, as part of her analyses of the City of Oakland’s proposed FY 2019-21 and FY 2021-23 budgets, Ms. Bairey provided an overview of overtime management best practices and identified opportunities to improve the City’s management of Police Department overtime.


  • Performance audit of street tree maintenance and street resurfacing programs at the San Francisco Department of Public Works
  • Special study of Santa Clara County debt
  • Management audit of the Santa Clara County Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Program
  • Annual budget review for various San Francisco City departments, including: Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Police Accountability, Department of Emergency Management, Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families, Office of the City Attorney, Mayor’s Office, Department of Human Resources, and Health Service System
  • Analysis of the City of Oakland’s proposed FY 2019-21 and FY 2021-23 budgets
  • Performance audit of San Francisco Police Department staffing, deployment, and overtime
  • Management audit of the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Community Behavioral Health Services
  • Policy analysis on causes and effects of schedule reductions at San Francisco City College
  • Management audit of Santa Clara County mental health services
  • Management audit of Santa Clara County Department of Tax and Collections
  • Management audit of Santa Clara County Social Services Agency’s administrative functions
  • Survey and policy analysis of emergency powers and roles of legislative bodies during emergencies
  • Performance audit of the Port of Los Angeles’s Accounts Payable Division
  • Strategic plan development for the Tacoma Public Library
  • Performance reviews of the Weld County Clerk and Recorder’s Office and the Weld County Commissioners
  • Comprehensive audit of Santa Clara Stadium Authority finances
  • Management audit of the South Santa Clara County Fire District
  • Management audit of the Los Altos Hills County Fire District
  • Policy analysis on San Francisco Police Department staffing methodologies and best practices