Gabe Cabrera

Gabe Cabrera specializes in analyzing complex budgets and public policy issues and developing practical options and alternatives. He brings expertise in applied research, the legislative process, organizational development and administration, and public budgeting. He previously served as the longest-tenured legislative analyst for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. In this role, he supported the policy-making initiatives of Board members by providing independent and objective information, research, and analysis. Prior to that he served as a staff analyst for Stanton Jones and Associates, one of the Joint Venture partners for the San Francisco Budget and Legislative Analyst’s Office, a juvenile justice advocate, a U.S. Justice Department intern. He has also managed an apricot farm. Mr. Cabrera earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy as well as a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of California at Berkeley.


  • Management Audit of Senior Nutrition Services, County of Santa Clara
  • Special Study, Wraparound Services Contracts, County of Santa Clara
  • Analysis of county services for seniors, including the projected growth of future costs over the FY 2012-13 base period, County of Santa Clara
  • Management Audit of Probation Department Administrative and Support Services, County of Santa Clara
  • Special Study, Dissolution audit of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara
  • Special Study, Dissolution audit of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Milpitas, County of Santa Clara