Cheryl Solov

Cheryl Solov has more than 15 years’ experience as a supervisor and manager in local government service, including almost six years as a manager in a City Finance Department, and more than 13 years as a local government auditor. Since 2008, her primary role with Harvey Rose has been to manage performance audits of major local government functions.


After serving as the City of Sunnyvale California’s legislative analyst, Ms. Solov took a management position in the City’s budget office. She developed performance budgets and 20-year financial plans for most City departments and funds, managed the City’s annual fee changes and fee schedule adoption, and developed detailed, short- and long-range revenue projections for all of the City’s General Fund revenues, as well as a large number of Department revenues. She prepared complex analyses at the request of senior management regarding fiscal impacts of various labor, staffing, budget, revenue and project proposals. She prepared current and 20-year fund balance analyses for most of the City’s operating and special funds, incorporating proposed receipts, expenditures and transfers. She analyzed proposed budget modifications and tracked the effects of all modifications on the balances of all affected funds. She monitored revenue receipts Citywide throughout the fiscal year, and established and led a team that improved the timeliness and accuracy of revenue booking.

In 2002, she became the City’s Auditor, whereupon she established the City’s first audit charter and delivered the City’s first public audit to the City Council. In this role, she developed extensive expertise in the development, management and auditing of government performance measurement systems, particularly evaluation of performance measure designs, data collection mechanisms and procedures, and analysis and reporting of data regarding financial and operational outputs and outcomes. She managed a variety of City audits, including of the community development department, police and fire services, animal control and emergency services, information services, human resources benefits administration, and parks and recreation.

Ms. Solov joined Harvey M. Rose Associates, LLC in 2005. Her primary role with the firm is to conduct performance/management audits and special studies of local government programs to improve program performance, compliance and cost effectiveness. For example, her audit of the County of Santa Clara vehicle fleet resulted in reduced fuel consumption and the elimination of about 240 vehicles from the fleet, saving the County millions of dollars every year. The audit also identified waste and abuse, such as unauthorized use of vehicles, prompting the County to overhaul its fleet policies. She has managed numerous other audits that have resulted in significant policy improvements and/or savings, including audits of county probation services, including operations and administration; county social services, including administrative, family services and senior nutrition functions, non-profit County health services contractors, various billing and collections functions, fees for cost recovery, call centers, fixed asset management, and drug treatment programs. Ms. Solov has extensive experience working with sensitive and confidential data held by local governments, such as patient medical records, adult and juvenile criminal records, and employee records. Pursuant to Harvey Rose’s contract with the County Board of Supervisors, she also conducts confidential investigations into certain “whistleblower” complaints made to the County of Santa Clara. She also performs annual reviews of the County of Santa Clara’s recommended budgets for a variety of County Departments. To facilitate these reviews, she was instrumental in the development of the County’s first Recommended Budget vs. Actual Revenues/Expenditure reports in the County’s SAP financial and budget system.


Ms. Solov simultaneously earned Bachelor’s degrees in print Journalism and experimental Psychology from the University of Kentucky, where she graduated at the top of her class in each program. She later earned a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of California at Berkeley, and completed accounting courses at De Anza College in Cupertino.


  • Performance Audit, General Fund Revenues Remitted by Other Government Agencies, City of Los Angeles
  • Two management audits of the Probation Department of the County of Santa Clara
  • Management Audit, Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office
  • Management Audit, Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District
  • Management of the joint project with the Santa Clara County Controller-Treasurer of the Morgan Hill Redevelopment Agency Agreed Upon Procedures Report Pursuant to RDA Dissolution
  • Management Audit, County of Santa Clara Department of Revenue
  • Management Audit, County of Santa Clara Travel Policies, Procedures and Costs
  • Operational Audit, Fresno County Fleet Services Division
  • Management Audit of the County of Santa Clara Vehicle Fleet
  • Comparative Analysis of General Fund subsidies of County Functions and Programs in Santa Clara County
  • Management Audit, Santa Clara County Tax Collector’s Office
  • Management Audit, Administration and Support Services of the Social Services of the County of Santa Clara
  • Management Audit, County of Santa Clara’s Department of Children and Family Services
  • Management Audit, County of Santa Clara’s Senior Nutrition Program
  • Management Audit, Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department
  • Management Audit, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System Administration and Support Services
  • Management Audit, County of Santa Clara’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Services
  • Special Study, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Conservation Plan
  • Limited Scope Management Audit, Gardner Family Health Network (non-profit government contractor)