Budget and Financial Analysis

Budget analysis is an in-depth review of proposed and actual expenditures and revenues of a jurisdiction or program. We analyze several years of data by cost center, individual expenditure, or line item to prepare an independent assessment of fiscal needs.  Our reviews also assess the justifications for budget changes and provide lower cost alternatives for policy makers’ consideration. 

Financial analyses involve assessing an organization´s financial position, including its fund balances and reserves, current and future cash flow needs, and current and future revenue flows.

Budget and financial analyses include:

  • Budget analysis
  • Assessments of financial condition, financing plans and debt management
  • Internal service fund analyses
  • Activity cost analyses
  • Financial modeling and projections
  • Prospective financial analyses
  • Revenue enhancement analyses
  • User fee/cost recovery analyses
  • Utility rate analyses
  • Analyses of contracting for services

The benefits of budget and financial analyses include:

  • Evaluation of appropriateness of planned expenditure levels
  • Identification of revenue enhancement opportunities
  • Assessment of financial position before embarking on a multi-year capital project, program expansion, or a change to labor agreement
  • Identification of excess fund balances or reserves
  • Identification of inadequate reserves for future costs