
  • SF Chronicle Article on HMR Study of SF’s Super Bowl 50 Costs

    The San Francisco Chronicle published an article on a study conducted by HMR (in its role as the contract Budget and Legislative Analyst for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors) on the City’s costs to host events associated with Super Bowl 50.

    For the article click here.

  • SF Chronicle Article on HMR Study of SF’s Fiber-Optic Networks

    The San Francisco Chronicle published an article on a study conducted by HMR (in its role as the contract Budget and Legislative Analyst for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors) on the City’s high speed fiber-optic networks and the lack of a map to track its extent and location.

    For the article click here.

  • SF Chronicle Article on HMR Study of Mission District Demographics

    The San Francisco Chronicle published an article on a study conducted by HMR (in its role as the contract Budget and Legislative Analyst for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors) on the demographics of the Mission District and how the economic and racial diversity of the neighborhood may change over the next 10 years if present trends continue.

    For the article click here.

  • SJ Mercury News Article on HMR Study of Transportation Network Companies

    The San Jose Mercury News published an article on recent changes made to municipal taxi regulations by the Sunnyvale City Council following our study on the impact of transportation network companies (such as Uber and Lyft) in the City.

    For the article click here.