
  • SF Chronicle: San Francisco Housing Authority Audit

    The San Francisco Chronicle has published an article about the recently released Budget Analyst Performance Audit of the San Francisco Housing Authority performed by Harvey M Rose Associates.

    For more information click here.

  • SF Examiner: Budget Analyst Report on Socioeconomic Equity

    The San Francisco Examiner has published an article about the recently released Budget Analyst report on socioeconomic equity in San Francisco.

    For more information click here.

  • Fred Brousseau Addressed CCAOC Conference on Performance Measurement

    Fred Brousseau, a Principal with Harvey M. Rose Associates, LLC, made a presentation at the County Counsels’ Association of California Civil Law and Litigation Spring Conference in Monterey, California on April 18, 2013. His spoke about Performance Measurement in County Counsel Offices, jointly presented with Lori E. Pegg, Assistant County Counsel of Santa Clara County. The presentation identified specific data needed and performance metrics to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of county counsel law office operations, and included examples of measures in place at the Santa Clara County Counsel’s Office.

    For more information click here.

  • KCET Reports on L.A. Housing Authority Audit

    Southern California’s local public television station KCET reports on HMR’s audit of the Los Angeles Housing Authority for the Los Angeles City Controller.

    The article and video can be accessed here.